No fix from brain boosting apps....

No fix from brain boosting apps....

Could brainboosting technologies be akin to the supplement industry– full of flashy ads and fake claims that draw in billions from vulnerable hopefuls who want an easy fix to the vicissitudes of lifestyle and inevitable aging?

Zooming Out

Zooming Out

I feel it. No doubt you do too. The itch to throw off the mask and go back to the office, go on vacation, or just hang out at the bar. And, who is not ready for an actual face to face meeting.....

The Power of Letting Go

The Power of Letting Go

I want to let you in on a little secret. You have a power that is yours and yours alone and no one can take it from you. That power is the power of letting it go

What are we reading

Future Now? The Art of Imagination

Future Now? The Art of Imagination

AUTHORS – Kelly Simpson, Erin Conlan and Sheryl Torr-Brown, PH.D

Living in Data: A Citizen's Guide to a Better Information Future

Living in Data: A Citizen's Guide to a Better Information Future

AUTHOR– Jer Thorp